Dolores Galofaro
16 Jun 2000
My connection with the name Pagliuca is from a great grandmother Addolorat Pagliuca. My mom told me Addolorat is the Italian name for Dolores. Addolorat came from Castelpagano. This farming village is located very near the Molise border. In the 1800's it was in the province of Campobasso. This is what is on the early vital records of that town. Today it is a village in Benevento. Since the film on the Castelpagano vital records that I have viewed at the Mormon Family History Center only has 3 years 1858-1860 I can not make any links but like many families of that time the Pagliuca's in my family may have migrated down from another part of the Abruzze territory. From a passenger list of 1898 I was able to find out Addolorata's age and also her husbands. They were both born in 1851.
I have a second cousin Angelo Tosto who is the grandson of Addolorat and he remembers her when he was a child and lives in the Bronx NY and is now 93 but still pretty sharp for 93. He has told me over the years bits and pieces of the information that I have. He insists that Pagliuca was originally spelled with an h after the g - Paghliuca. This town goes back to the 16th century and the Spanish were there, so who knows maybe he is right. He told me his grandmother had an uncle who was a Priest but he couldn't remember his name.
Addolorat married a man from a neighboring town called Colle Sannita. His name was Angelo Tosto. They named their oldest son Nicolangelo. If they named him according to the patrimony custom, then Angelo's father had the same name or else great-grandmother chose to combine the two names - Nicola after her father-in-law and Angelo after her husband. Addolorata went to live in Colle Sannita and had 6 children. One of them was my grandmother Carmella b.1882.
In 1892 Angelo came to the US and Adolorata followed him in 1898 with five of their children. They were both 46 and starting a new life.
Tragedy struck. They lost Nicolangelo who was 23 and died from appendicitis when they were here only a few weeks. Lucia, the oldest girl who was 18 when she came, met a man and ran away to marry him and she died in child birth. Angelo worked for the railroad and hurt his back. I don't know exactly how long they stayed but I don't think it was more than 4 years. My grandmother Carmela who was 16 when she came had met a fella named Salvatore Maccia, the name changed from Moccia in Italy to Maccia here in the states. And I'm not sure if Teresa the other sister stayed and came back later or not but Teresa married Bartolome Zaccone and live in the Bronx all their married life. The youngest boy was Giovanni Batiste and perhaps he was named after Addolorata's father, had to go back to Italy with his mother and father but came back later and settled in Penn. He worked in the coal mine near Connelsville Penn and was killed in an explosion. I do not know what year this happened but I believe it happened in the 1920's. Another son Innocenze was born after they went back to Italy and he is cousin Angelo's father. He as called uncle Jim by the family. He migrated to Canada then came into the US but decided to go back to Italy in 1905 and stayed there. I did meet him in 1945 when he visited his son Angelo. Angelo came here in 1936. My grandmother Carmela was killed by a car crossing the street in 1938. As cousin Angelo has always said this was a hard luck family.
My mission is to find out if Addolorat and Angelo had any brothers and sisters. He did mention once that Addolorat had a brother who also came to live in Colle Sannita but he wasn't too clear about his father's side of the family. His memory is slipping lately. He remembers some of the things the people did in those days like using chicken blood as a medicine for just about everything. UGH. Presently I am waiting for a NYC death records film to come in so I can find out exactly when Nicolangelo died and where he was buried then I might be able to find out if Lucia is with him. I am hoping someone has a link to Castelpagano.
Ciao, Dolores
MaryAnn Pagliuca Morro
16 Jun 2000
I have been researching my father's family for the last six months and have thoroughly enjoyed meeting all the wonderful Pagliucas both on the internet and family members I was able to visit. Wonderful family!
My great-grandfather, Crescenzo Pagliuca, married Angela Belotti probably in the mid-1800's in Italy. At this time, because I do not have any other statistics about them, I will say in Aversa. According to my father's only living sibling, Aunt Helen (age 87), they did not come to the United States. My research has led me to the following children of Crescenzo and Angela and I hope you enjoy their lives and perhaps this information can be of some assistance to you.
As far as I can authenticate, Crescenzo and Angela had seven children. Arturo Pagliuca (my grandfather) was born on July 15, 1880 in Aversa, Italy. On February 18, 1905 he married Antonetta Coppola in Italy. Arturo came to the United States, through Ellis Island, New York. The name of his ship was the Europa, which left Naples approximately August 6, 1908 and arrived in New York August 18, 1908. I do not know at this time if Antonetta and their first child, Crescenzo, were with him. Arturo and Antonetta settled in New Haven, Connecticut and proceeded to have four more children. Their names are: Angelo (my father), Frank, Marianna and Elena. All but Elena are deceased and she has been a wonderful help to me.
Crescenzo and Angela's other children that came to the United States are:
Ferdinando Pagliuca, born approx. 1875 in Italy, married Maria Consiglia Coppola. Ferdinando died March 4, 1952. He and his wife also settled in New Haven, Connecticut and had eleven children.
Angelo Pagliuca, born approximately 1879 in Italy, settled in Providence and Cranston, Rhode Island. He was a business owner during his lifetime, owning a cheese store and also "dabbling" in jewelry. He never married and died in Rhode Island in December 1941.
Nicola Pagliuca, born approximately 1881 also settled in Providence and Cranston, Rhode Island. He married Francesca Russilli and they had five children. He died February 1929. He was a "baker" by trade and I believe also owned a store in Rhode Island.
Frances Pagliuca married a Frank Fusco. I have information about Frances and her children, but no other vitals for her or her husband, other than she settled in New Haven, Connecticut and died in 1939.
Concetta Maria Pagliuca married a Gennaro Carmosino and they lived in New Haven also. The only information I have for this family is their children and that Concetta died in March of 1941.
Un-named sister. According to Aunt Helen, her father (Arturo) often mentioned a sister who did not come to the United States. However, she cannot remember her name. A cousin of ours, Millia (age 85), does remember that her children did come to the United States, through Rhode Island relatives, and moved to Brooklyn, New York.
Millie and her mother (daughter of Frances Fusco) visited Carl and Maria Cacciola in Brooklyn. Maria married a GI stationed in Italy but when she settled in Brooklyn she didn't live long. I don't know who she married but I do know there were no children. I am researching Carl Cacciola at this time.
Also, there is a link between my Pagliuca family and Marcia and Al Salvatore's family. We believe Crescenzo and Angela either had more children who did not come to the United States, or perhaps Angela died and their were children from another marriage. At this time we are both trying to put the facts in order.
I have so much information about the children of the above Pagliucas it is too much to include on this website. If, however, anyone would like to contact me personally they can. If you feel there's a link - let's put our information together.
Many thanks to Laura for this wonderful creation. MaryAnn
Is this
Cacciola one of yours?
Lori Eiler
17 Jun 2000
We just received a poorly handwritten copy of my great-grandfather's death certificate. He died in NY on November 2, 1945. His real name was Vincenzo Freda but he died with the name Vincent Frieda. He was born in Italy (we don't know where) in 1870. Listed on his death certificate are his parents names of August Frieda (real spelling we know is Freda) His mother's name is listed as Marie Paglicsa --we think maybe this is your family name--of Pagliuca but maybe spelled wrong. But the death certificate is handwritten and it is a poor copy. Marie is from Italy.
Sincerely, Lori
17 Jun 2000
Looking for ancestors of Pasquale Pagliuca b. probably Aversa, Italy d aft. 1929. By first marriage had Crescenzo who became a priest. By second marriage to Alfonsine DiMaio he had Salvatore (our line) b 10/20/1899 Aversa, Agostino who mar. Anita Vitale, Nicola b. Italy d 1958 Providence, RI mar. Francesca, and Rafaelo. Only Salvatore and Agostino had children. Any help greatly appreciated. Will exchange.
Salvatore Pagliuca avv.
05 Jul 2000
Brenda Pagliuca
17 Jul 2000
Hi Laura,
I'm not really sure about anything. I was just curious. The only thing that my father really knows is that he was born in Long Island New York. His father's name is James Pagliuca and was born in 1909 in New York also. I'm sorry I don't have any information. I hope that there is something that can come from this. Good Luck on your search and again I'm sorry.
Brenda Pagliuca
John Pagliuca
23 Jul 2000
I'm just starting my search on the Pagliuca family tree. My father was Anthony Pagliuca; he was born in New York City (I think) in 1917 and died in 1991. His father was John Pagliuca; my aunt thinks that he was a U.S. citizen, born in McKee's Rocks, PA, but I can't say for sure. He married Eleanora (or Nora) De Vincenzo, who I think was from Naples and who was born in 1895. They lived in Mineola, New York.
I'd like to find out more about the name, where it originated, and if I have any relatives I haven't met.
John Pagliuca
23 Jul 2000
Laura, a cursory search of the Mormon records from Italy show about 30 Pagliuca listings, almost all from Castro Dei Volsci, Frosinone; and Prata Sannita, Caserta, Italy. Do you know anything about these listings?
Dolores Galofaro
01 Sep 2000
HI, In searching for my grandparents in the 1900 NYC census, I came across another Pagliuca family living on Mott St. Father's name was Pasquale Pagliuca born 1865 and the mother Philomina born 1885. Their children, Theresa born 1892, Joseph b.1894, Luigi b.1895, Sophie b.1897, Bertie b.1899. Bertie was a son. Pasquale 's occupation was that of a paper box folder. The film # 1241086 Just thought maybe someone could make a connection. As for my family Tosto-Pagliuca, I did find the death record for their 23 year old son Nicola Angelo who died of appendicitis 14 months after he arrived in the US. He died May 31, 1899. Since my grandparents were not in the 1900 census, I am assuming they went back to Italy as the family oral history has passed down. My next search is for the 18 yr. old sister who I believe died in childbirth about the same time. Her name was Lucia and family history claims she ran off with the man she married and they had a stormy marriage. I am going to try the cross reference marriage records of 1899.I only know the brides name. I am going with a group to the NY library on Sept. 23rd with my POINT Genealogy group and look this up. Ciao Dolores
Rocco Pagliuca
19 Sep 2000
Jeff Pagliuca
02 Dec 2000
My family is from Muro Lucano in Potenza. Grandfather, Salvatore, came to US in 1920's. Married Maria. Children Rose, Lucille, and Joseph. My grandfathers sister, Serafina, still lives in Muro Lucano. Any relation to Pasquale?
Paulo Pagliuca
10 Jan 2001
Ola! Voce nao me conhece, mas fiquei curioso, pois eu estava navegando na internet quando entrei na home page dos Pagliuca, voce tem omesmo sobrenome que o meu. Meu nome e Paulo Cesar Pagliuca Fogaca, moro no Brazil, Sao Paulo - SP. Meus avos vieram da Italia, meu avo morava na Sicilia e minha avo na Calabria. Sera que somos parentes?
20 Jan 2001
Hi, I don't know if this helps any but, my grandfather was Fiore Pagliuca born in Naples, late 1800's. He came to NY, married Virginia Farina, had 4 children, died 1960's in Flushing, NY. Hope this helps someone, Chris PS. I also remember my mother telling me, my grandfather had relatives in South America.
Lorrie Pagliuca Director
25 Feb 2001
I just stumbled upon this board - it's so interesting! I'm sorry I don't have much information to contribute, but I plan to call my grandfather in the morning to pick his brain a bit. My grandfather, Michael Pagliuca was born in this country in 1915. I know his father emigrated from Italy but I'm not sure of his name. They were haberdashers and resided in the Bronx, NY. My grandfather's mother's maiden name was Miceli, but I don't know much about her either. Hopefully I'll have more to report soon!
frank a pagliuca
04 Mar 2001
i was just surfing and ran across this site. I never realized that there are so many Pags......
Peter Coppola
09 Apr 2001
Dolores Galofaro
11 Apr 2001
I am wondering if any of the Pagliucas' who have answered Laura's Family Search had any family that live in Brooklyn in the early 1900's. My great grandparents lived at 25 Main St., Brooklyn, NY. I believe that was under the B Bridge. On the map it looks like it is now near the docks. What I am looking for is this: Is anyone familiar with this neighborhood and if so what Catholic Church would be near this Street. My grandparents buried a son in 1899 in Holy Cross Cemetery but on the death record only the cemetery is recorded. Would appreciate some help with this. Dolores
Karen Pagliuca
07 Jun 2001
Dolores Galofaro
20 Aug 2001
Hi Laura, The site you sent me on Local Churches is a great site for looking in Italy for Local churches but for now I am trying to find the name of a church in Brooklyn that would be near Main St. From the map of Brooklyn it looks like Main St. is now the docking area . I have all the information on Nicola Angelo Tosto except for the church he was buried from. I am now in hot pursuit of his sister Lucia. A second cousin who was the granddaughter of Adolorata Pagliuca and Angelo Tosto told me that their grandparents moved from Brooklyn to Clifton NJ. and stayed for a long time and then went back to Italy. Well Lucia married and died in child birth and there is no one left who knows anything about her. Well Sunday Aug 19, 2001, I went to the cemetery in Lodi NJ where Lucia would most likely be buried and looked in the old section. I came across a small stone with the name Rosco and above Rosco was Lucia - Sarah, but no dates. I am going back on a week day as soon as I get the next chance and ask at the office to look up the Rosco name. I keep thinking this could be Lucia and her baby girl. Dolores Galofaro
Locate a Catholic church by geographic location:
Local Catholic Church and Family History & Genealogical Research Guide
John Pagliuca
30 Oct 2001
I am first generation American, who is fortunate enough to be able to track my lineage some ways.
My Pagliuca "tribe" is from a small southern town near Avellino called Calore. Originally from Monte Fulcione, the story goes that my great, great grandfather and his four brothers were ousted from Monte Fulcione. They moved their families to Calore and settled the small town. Our current family lives in the Boston suburbs. The site brought a smile to my face

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