Genealogy & Search Terms in Italian and English
One Step Webpages by Stephen P. Morse
Research your Italian name
Italian Given (First) Names and their English Equivalents.
Italian Surnames (Last Names) and their Origin and Etymology - Italy World Club
Italian Surname Locator - On a Map of Italy
White Pages in Italy
Examples of Italian Civil Records
Resources for Italian American Adoptees
Write to request Italian family records
David E. Zerga's Italian & English Form Letters
Italian Records Request - Form Letter Generator - Il Circolo Calabrese
Address an Envelope to Italy
Catholic Church records
Lista dei Siti Cattolici in Italia
Local Catholic Church & Family History Genealogical Research Guide
Researching Catholic Church Records in Italy
Italian - American Adoption Resources
Population figures, maps, town locators
8000+ Italian communes ordered alphabetically
La popolazione dei comuni italiani