You are needed. Please VOLUNTEER in your community
Like most Italian American children, I was raised to "be involved"...
Montessori School - autistic 3 year olds TA (teacher's aide) - Lisle, Illinois
University of Nebraska Omaha - Children's Psychiatric Unit - art program director
Reskin School - Glendale Heights, IL - TA ex-ed program
Home Birth - participant & midwife
Bo-Sho-Nee Gee Drop In Center - soup kitchen volunteer - Chicago
Foster Parent
Building Inspector - courtroom tenant advocate - Ald. Dennis Bloch's office
Great Lakes Native Diabetes Project - director
WHEN [Women's Health & the Environment Network] - cancer committee
Great Lakes Futures - committee member
Milwaukee Public Museum Cultural Council
SEHS Milwaukee - teacher of at-risk high school students
Healing Lodge - halfway house bd member
copyright © 2003 Laura Lancione - all rights reserved